We made it through the the first full week of Kindergarten! Yay! What a great group of students I have this year! We are going to have a great year! This week we have reviewed and practiced our classroom rules and routines and read many fun books. We also learned about the three ways to read a book:
Read the pictures (telling the story using the pictures)
Read the words
Retell the story
Ask your child to tell you about it and share a story together!😊
This week we will be beginning building our stamina for read to self, part of our Daily 5 routine! During read to self students practice reading independently. Our goal is to be reading for about 10-15 minutes! We are off to a great start!
Please remember to check your child's folder each night (the student folders say leave at home and return to school, but we put the papers on either side!) Information will be coming home about our school wide behavior program, star students and weekly H.W! I look forward to another great week!