Word Study: gl, pl, gr
Sight Word: Reviewing all 20 sight words for reading and writing
Earth Day
For a few weeks, our writing unit will be Opinion/Persuasive writing. Students will be writing letters and making books to share what is important to them and why! To share the importance of taking care of our earth, our class made posters to let people know how important it is to keep our earth clean and healthy!
Guided Reading Books
We will continue to do guided reading for the next few weeks. Please check at home for any classroom and guided reading books you may have lying around and return as soon as possible.
Tie Dye Day Day
Please send in your washed and rubber banded t-shirt in a ziplock bag placed in a grocery bag by this WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29TH. Tie dye day will be on May 7th. Please wear old clothes!
Upcoming Dates:
Can you believe there are only about 30 days left of school! I am already sad just thinking about it! I am so lucky to have two amazing classes filled with amazing kids! As the end of the school year comes closer our calendar seems to be filling up!
Wednesday 4/29 K to First Parent Meeting @ 6:30pm Craddock
Shirts with Rubber bands for Tie Dye Day are due
Friday 5/1 Kindergarten Concerts @ Miller 10:30 am. & 2:30 pm
Thursday 5/7 Tie Dye Day--Please wear old clothes
Friday 5/8 Last Scholastic Book Order Due
Tuesday & Wednesday 5/19 & 5/20 P.E. Field Day--More Info to Follow
Monday 5/25 Memorial Day No School
Thursday 5/28 K Classes Visit Craddock
Tuesday 6/2 Last Day of School
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